Warren Day is held yearly near the end of June. It celebrates the town's heritage and is a chance for neighbors, townsfolk, area residents, and visitors to mingle. The day is highlighted by the Warren Day Parade, the Chicken Barbeque, and various races and games. The Warren Historical Society holds an open house and tours at the Dr. Campbell House and Museum, 225 Main Street, from 9-3. The society has photos and programs from past Warren Days.
In 1963, the Independent Egg Producers held a business barbeque at the Knox Arboretum. Residents began thinking of having a special day each year in Warren. The idea was brought to the Warren Parent Teacher Association. The PTA sponsored the first Warren Day in 1964. Today, the Warren Day Committee plans and oversees Warren Day. Community groups also participate. Consult local newspapers or the What’s Up in Warren Facebook Group for date, schedule, and times.
The following is a bit of film of the Warren Day parade taken by Hope Norwood Creighton, circa 1968-69